2014. Gardner; Véliz. Evincing the Ratchet: A Thematic Analysis of the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines at a Striving University

Revista: The Review of Higher Education
Número: 38(1)
Páginas: 105-132
Link: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/553662/summary


Institutional striving can be seen in colleges or universities that seek to gain prestige in the academic hierarchy. This goal includes the desire for faculty to produce more research in order to gain more prestige or increase the institution’s reputation. This study examined the promotion and tenure criteria of 30 academic units at one striving university from 1980 to 2012, finding that the pressures to increase were apparent and were simultaneously guided internally by faculty and externally by the administration. Increased demands for excellence in all areas were also manifested in the criteria examined